Star Hammer: The Vanguard Prophecy, published by Slitherine, has ships. A gritty, granular turn-based smorgasbord of ships. Having jumped from PC to iPad, one of 2015’s better strategies has arrived intact. … Star Hammer touts a hefty sixty-odd mission campaign beyond its skirmish component. Single player offers a few temporary twists in branching sorties. While these are minor divergences to encourage repeat playthroughs, the campaign is straightforward and offers a decent upward difficulty swing. Introductory operations have players shunting small fleets about, completing entry-level objectives like protecting salvage operations and fending off scant Nautilid marauders to blood their ships and gain fleet experience. Command points are awarded for completed missions, thereafter used to bring more hardware into the vacuum. By the later stages of the game, it’s a case of musing over fleet composition; what vessels to bring out and who to leave on the bench.
Available For: iOS
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The post Star Hammer: The Vanguard Prophecy is “a quiet gem” – 4/5 from Pocket Tactics is from Slide To Play via Pocket Tactics.